Controlled and Guaranteed Designation of Origin
Why we do it
The Roero is a unique and sincere land, a bizarre corner of hills that were underwater, which erosion crumbles here and there to form canyons from which to peek at the layers of rock on which they rest. In the evening the canyons (which we call ”rocche”) are coloured red. We grow Nebbiolo because it is precisely from this original environment and the culture of those who have been working it for centuries that it acquires the frank and singular character that gives value to our Roero DOCG wine.
Where we do it
Vigna Violi is made as a staircase. Arranging the rows on terraces is the only way to make the merciless slopes of the Roero bear fruit. Here we are accompanied by the buzzing of bees: they fly around the rows that we let fill with flowers in spring. Not only do we not extirpate them, but when the weather permits we even sow them! The red of the poppies keeps us cheerful: “Zero weeding, more papatu!” [ no herbicides, more poppies! ]. Occasionally, even the cadenced rhythm of some boots of those who walk the Sentiero del Tasso interrupts the commitment that such an uncomfortable vineyard requires, and reminds us of how beautiful and precious the places where we work are.
How we do it
It is no coincidence that Roero is the name of this wine and, together, of the territory in which it is produced. The Nebbiolo grape variety has found the right place to express its character on these harsh rocks for centuries. The first to sprout, the last to be harvested; to defend it from early frosts and parasites requires effort and care. They continue in the cellar with a wooden passage to tame it, at least a little, and let express the tantalizing aroma of red fruits, the slight hint of liquorice and vanilla on the finish.
How to drink it
With many people around a table where a tray of grilled meats moves from one end to the other, or an important cheese dominates and everyone extends their hand: here Roero is the perfect wine to color the glasses of a cheerful orange red. But it’s also fine away from the confusion; a good book, a piece of chocolate and the enveloping spicy flavour of Roero are all the company you need.
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